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溶解浆采购政策(Fibre Procurement Policy)

w66利来国际(中国游)官方网站 时间 :2021/7/16 w66利来国际(中国游)官方网站 来源:本站编辑 w66利来国际(中国游)官方网站 点击:9850

溶解浆采购政策(Fibre Procurement Policy)

  吉林w66股份有限公司允许将在溶解浆和纤维工业发挥领导作用 ,并且会与我们的溶解浆供应商配合努力推动森林可连续性治理 ,掩护原始濒危森林。

JILIN CHEMICAL FIBRE CO.,LTD. is committed to play a leadership role in the dissolving pulp & cellulosic fibre industry and will work with our dissolving pulp suppliers in order to promote sustainable forest management and protect ancient and endangered forests.

吉林w66股份有限公司支持使用来自非原始濒危森林地区的木纤维为原质料生产纤维素纤维及织物 ,除非该地具备切实的掩护计划或者森林治理委员会认证。

JILIN CHEMICAL FIBRE CO.,LTD. supports the production of cellulosic fibres & fabrics from wood fibre that is not sourced from ancient and endangered forests,  unless there are meaning conservation plans and FSC certification in the place.

以下原则只适用于人造纤维素纤维 ,织物和纺织品 ,包括并不但限于人造丝 ,纤维胶 ,莱赛尔纤维 ,莫代尔。该项允许适用于我们自己的运营规模和采料运动。该政策亦支持任何爆发恒久情况、社会和经济效益的原则。

The following principles only apply to all man-made cellulosic fibres, fabrics and textiles, including but not limited to rayon, viscose, lyocell and modal This commitment applies to our own scope of operation and procurement practices.This policy supports principles that result in long-term environmental,social and economic benefits.


Scope of Commitment


We will purchase only from raw material suppliers that are transparent, traceable and compliant with this policy.

如果供应商违背了这些标准 ,我们将首先资助其改变其生产行为 ,如果发明其纤维来源于政策所禁止的地区 ,我们将重新评估是否与其坚持相助。

If suppliers violate these standards, we will first help them change their production behavior, and if we find that their fibers come from areas prohibited by policy, we will reassess whether to maintain cooperation with them.


Conservation of Ancient & Endangered Forests and Intact Forest Landscapes:

吉林w66股份有限公司将遵循CanopyStyle行动的原则 ,与Canopy和供应商相助 ,配合增进原始濒危森林的掩护。

JILIN CHEMICAL FIBRE CO.,LTD. will follow the principles of the CanopyStyle Initiative,and work with Canopy and our suppliers to promote the protection of Ancient and Endangered Forests.

因此 ,我们将对我们正在使用的溶解浆进行评估 ,确保我们没有使用来自原始濒危森林的原料 ,如加拿大和俄罗斯的北目标叶林 ,沿海温带雨林 ,印度尼西亚、亚马逊和西非的热带森林和泥炭地以及濒危物种的栖息地。濒危森林的界说和地图可参考https://canopyplanet.org/tools/forestmapper/

So,we will assess our existing use of wood pulp and fibre and ensure that we are not using the raw material sourced from ancient and endangered forests areas such as the Canadian and Russian Boreal Forests; Coastal Temperate Rainforests; tropical forests and peatlands of Indonesia, the Amazon and West Africa, or endangered species habitat. Endangered Forests are defined and mapped at https://canopyplanet.org/tools/forestmapper/


Recognizing, respecting and Supporting human rights and the rights of communities

我们杜绝使用来源保存争议的溶解浆 ,好比来源于不法斩柴的木材公司或1994年后通过自然森林转化或简化而开垦的树木种植园。

We will eliminate sourcing fibre from controversial sources including companies that are logging forests illegally and from tree plantations established after 1994 through the conversion or simplification of natural forests.

我们在此要求我们的供应商遵守《世界人权宣言》并且尊重外地和农村社区对其领地、土地和资源的执法权利、习惯权利和使用者权利。为抵达这一目标 ,我们要求我们的供应商充分尊重外地居民和农村社区的权利 ,在新的斩柴权利划拨之前、树木种植园开发之前 ,给予或保存他们的自主优先知情特许权(FPIC) ,解决投诉和争议 ,通过透明的、卖力任的申诉机制和双方配合认可的争端解决要领设法弥补之前的违反人权行为。

We hereby request that our suppliers respect the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and comply with indigenous and rural communities legal, customary or user rights to their territories, land, and resources. To do so, we require that our suppliers respect the right of Indigenous People and rural communities to give or withhold their Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) before new logging rights are allocated or tree plantations are developed, resolve complaints and conflicts, and remediate prior human rights violations through a transparent and accountable grievance mechanism and mutually agreeable dispute resolution process.


Innovative and Alternative Fibre Development

我们将和供应商相助 ,配合探索并增进减少情况和社会负面影响的纤维的生长。我们将在合适的情况下发挥自己的积极作用 ,支持使用替代性纤维(如农业废物和再接纳纤维)作为原料的研发进程。

We will collaborate with our suppliers to explore and promote the development of fibre sources that reduce environmental and social impacts. Where appropriate, we will play an active role in the research and development and eventual adoption of commercial scale production of pulp and cellulosic fibre made from alternative fibre sources such as agricultural residues and recycled fibres.


Advocacy for Conservation Solutions

在与我们供商应的相助中 ,我们将支持具有相助性和前瞻性的系统解决计划 ,掩护仅存的原始濒危森林 ,包括温哥华岛的沿海温带雨林 ,大熊雨林 ,加拿大的北目标叶林 ,印度尼西亚、亚马逊和西非的热带雨林。

Working with our suppliers we will support collaborative and visionary system solutions that protect remaining ancient and endangered forests such as the Coastal Temperate Rainforests of Vancouver Island and the Great Bear Rainforest, Canada’s Boreal Forests,and the rainforests of Indonesia, the Amazon and West Africa.


Forest Certification

本公司将优先选择获得森林治理委员会认证的卖力任治理的森林质料 ,其中包括优先选择获得FSC 认证的种植林。

We will preference fibre sourced from forests that are responsibly managed forests, certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification system including FSC certified plantation forest.


Transparency, Traceability and Verification

我们将与我们的利益相关者配合努力 ,为我们的运营和供应链建立第三方验证系统 ,至2019年完全淘汰来自原始濒危森林的纤维。

We will work with stakeholders to develop third party verification systems of our operations and supply chain to eliminate fiber from ancient & endangered forest by 2019.


Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Footprint

我们认识到森林和泥炭地作为碳贮藏库的重要性 ,并会支持增进森林掩护 ,减少高碳价值森林流失的建议 ,勉励销售商和供应商制止开发这些区域 ,优先选择利用有效步伐积极减少其温室气体足迹的销售商和供应商。

Recognizing the importance of forests and peatlands as carbon storehouses, we will support initiatives that advance forest conservation to reduce the loss of high carbon value forests, by encouraging vendors and suppliers to avoid harvesting in these areas, and by giving preference to those that use effective strategies to actively reduce their greenhouse gas footprint.


Pollution Prevention

溶解浆和人造丝制造是资源密集型工业 ,可能导致空气和水污染并影响整体情况质量。该政策不可解决这些重要的情况问题 ,然而 ,我们会在溶解浆和人造丝生产中投资使用先进的洁净生产技术。

Dissolving pulp and viscose manufacturing is a resource-intensive process that may be lead to air and water pollution that impact overall environmental quality. This policy does not solve these critical environmental issues, however, we will invest in and use the cleanest dissolving pulp and viscose manufacturing technology.



我们深知在客户、员工和同行业企业流传环保意识的重要性。因此 ,我们将会在网站和公共媒体中流传环保理念。

We recognize the importance of spreading environmental protection awareness among our customers, employees and peers. As such, we will highlight our environmental protection concept on our website and in public communications.



                                JILIN CHEMICAL FIBRE CO.,LTD.





接待宽大民众及相关机构监督、反响、提出有关森林治理和采购经营的意见 ,联系方法如下:

联系人: 王源旭


邮箱: wangyuanxu@jlcfc.com



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